(A40) Landoulsi G., Mahmoudi K., Faiz S., “Question Answering System for Spatiotemporal Database Source”, 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Management, Information and Knowledge Systems (KMIKS’2017), Hammamet, Tunisia, April 2017.
(A39) Khalfi B., de Runz C., Faiz S., Akdag H., “Modèles de validation syntaxique et sémantique pour un stockage cohérent de données géo-spatiales imprécises dans les systèmes NoSQL document”, Actes 17èmes Journées d’Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC’2017) –Atelier : Gestion et Analyse de données spatiales et Temporelles (GAST), Grenoble, France, January 2017, pp. 43-50.
(A38) Abdaoui N., Hadj khalifa I., Faiz S., “Sending a personalized advertisement to loyal customers in the ubiquitous environment”, Proc. Sciences of Electronics, Technologies et Information and Telecommunications (SETIT'2016), Springer, IEEE, Hammamet, Tunisia, December 2016, pp. 410-417.
(A37) Hassini N., Mahmoudi K., Faiz S., “ Geographic Relation Extraction from Textual Corpus”, International Conference on Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology (TeanGeo’2016), Tunis, Tunisia, October 2016.
(A36) Landoulsi G., Mahmoudi K., Faiz S., “ Geographic Structured Query Language generation for Geographic Information Retrieval ”, International Conference on Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology (TeanGeo’2016), Tunis, Tunisia, October 2016.
(A35) Ezzeddine S., Turki S.Y., Faiz S., “An Automatic Transition from the Design of the Spatial Data Warehouse to its Implementation”, International Conference on Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology (TeanGeo 2016), Tunis, Tunisia, October 2016.
(A34) Toujani A., Achour H., Faiz S., “Weather patterns for forest fires: a comprehensive application of Appriori algorithm. Case study: The Kroumirie Mountains, Tunisia”, International Conference on Applied Geology & Environment (ICAGE’2016), Mahdia, Tunisia, May 2016.
(A33) Gharbi A., de Runz C.,Faiz S., Akdag H., “An approach based on association rules for predicting the function of changes in land use, "4th edition days of Big Data Mining and Visualization, Lyon, France, May 2015.
(A32) Faiz S., “Geographic information system integration strategies”, Tunisio-Indian Workshop on Geospatial science and technology, IISc, Bangalore, India, January 2015.
(A31) Hassini N., Mahmoudi K., Faiz S., “A view text data for the enrichment of Geographic Information Systems ", 6th Symposium languages Info (Infolangues'2014), Beja, Tunisia, April 2014.
(A30) Landoulsi G., Mahmoudi K., Faiz S., “A semantic view of database ", 6th Symposium languages Info (Infolangues'2014), Beja, Tunisia, April 2014.
(A29) Bizid I., Faiz S., Boursier P., Rousseaux F., “The Role of Spatial, Temporal and Sociological Features in the Distribution of Tweets during a Disaster Case”, International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Spatial Risk Prediction (AITSRP’2013), Cairo, Egypt, December 2013, pp.221-227.
(A28) Alouaoui H., Mahmoud A., Turki Y., Roushdy M., Faiz S., Boursier P., Salem A.B., “Temporal Association Rule Mining for Thrombosis Detection”, International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Spatial Risk Prediction (AITSRP’2013), Cairo, Egypt, December 2013, pp.215-219.
(A27) Tlili T., Faiz S., Krichen S., “A particle swarm optimization for solving the one dimensional container loading problem”, Proc. 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO’2013), IEEE, Hammamet, Tunisia, April 2013.
(A26) Kharrat A., Zeitouni K., Faiz S., “ Discovery of mobility patterns in a network "FOSTA'13 Acts, Workshop: Data Mining Spatio-Temporal and Applications, (EGC'2013) Conference Toulouse, France, January 2013.
(A25) Meskini A., Turki S.Y., Faiz S., “Spatio-temporal association rules to predict land use”, MSDM Statistics and Data Mining Conference (MSDM’2012), Hammamet, Tunisia, March 2012.
(A24) Alouaoui H., Turki S.Y., Faiz S., “Spatiotemporal datamining for natural risk prediction”, Tunisian Japanese Symposium on Science, Society and Technology (TJASSST’2011), Hammamet, Tunisia, November 2011.
(A23) Mahmoudi K., Faiz S., “Text thematic fragmentation and identification”, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA’2010), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2010, pp. 1-8.
(A22) Cherni I., Lopez K., Laurini R., Faiz S., “A language and a generator to represent the visual summaries of geographic databases, "FDC'10 Acts, Workshop: Complex Data Mining, EGC'2010 Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, January 2010, pp. 691-695 .
(A21) Turki S.Y., Faiz S., “Spatial datamining for producing land use information”, Proc. First Meeting on Statistics and Data Mining (MSDM’2009), Hammamet, Tunisia, March 2009.
(A20) Kharrat A., Zeitouni K., Faiz S., “stress trajectories clustering by network ", Proceedings 8th Days of Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC'2008) -Atelier: Complex Data Mining, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France, January 2008.
(A19) Faiz S., “Geomatics: A generator of employment”, Feature Article, African Geo Information Research Network (AGIRN), www.agirn.org, October, 2007.
(A18) Mahmoudi Kh., Faiz S., “The SDET tool for fully descriptive data related to geographic databases "Demo Session. Proceedings 7th Days of Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC'2007), Namur Belgium, January 2007.
(A17) Ben Hamed R., Bâazaoui H., Faiz S., “Towards RASMA algorithm: RAS based multi-agent ", Proceedings 6th Days of Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC'2006) -Atelier: Search of complex data in a knowledge extraction process, Lille, France, in January 2006, pp. 155-166.
(A16) Bâazaoui H., Faiz S., Ben Ghezala H., “To an agent-based geographic data mining system ", Proceedings 5th Days of Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC'2005) - Workshop: Search of complex data in a knowledge extraction process, Paris, France, January 2005, pp. 31-36.
(A15) Faiz S., Mahmoudi Kh., “knowledge extraction for the enrichment of geographic databases, "Post, Proceedings 5th Days of Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC'2005), Paris, France, January 2005.
(A14) Lâabidi M., Bâazaoui H., Faiz S., “ModGéo : modeling tool of geographic databases, "Workshop on modeling of spatial and temporal data, Tunis, Tunisia, March 2004.
(A13) Hanachi S., Faiz S., “A conceptual approach for building E-Commerce sites”, Proc. 3rd Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science & Technology (TJASST’2003), Tunis, Tunisia, April 2003.
(A12) Faiz S., Hanachi S., “eComm Builder: A new tool for developing an e-commerce web site”, Proc./CD IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC’2002), Volume 6, Hammamet, Tunisia, October 2002.
(A11) Faiz S., “Spatial data mining, spatial data warehousing and spatial OLAP: Application to geographic data quality”, Proc. 4th Tunisian Interdisciplinary Workshop on Science & Society (TIWSS’2001), Tokyo, Japan, October 2001, pp. 18-22.
(A10) Faiz S., “Web site project management ", Proceedings of the days on industrial Infostructure in the Internet age, the Ministry of Industry and UNIDO Tunis, Tunisia, July 2001, pp. 23-30.
(A09) Bâazaoui H., Faiz S., Ben Ghezala H., “Introduction to spatial data mining "Days Franco-Tunisian Scientific (SFT'2000), Monastir, Tunisia, October 2000.
(A08) Faiz S., “The contribution of EDC in data qualification ", Proceedings Conference on Knowledge Discovery from Data: Data mining, OLAP and data warehousing (ECD'2000) Tunis, Tunisia, May 2000, pp. 67-83.
(A07) Faiz S., “The collection of information quality in geographic databases using data mining techniques ", Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Spatial Accuracy in the field of Natural Resources, Quebec, Canada, May 1998.
(A06) Faiz S., “Modeling and exploitation of information quality: Quality assurance of basic 1/200000 digital map data ", Proceedings of the National Workshop of Digital Cartographic Database (BdCn) Tunis, Tunisia, October 1997.
(A05) Faiz S., “An approach to generalize information quality in geographic information system: Application to wildlife”, Proc. Symposium of GIS and Remote sensing working groups, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, October 1996.
(A04) Faiz S., Nzali J.P., “Information visualization quality of medical data spatially distributed ", Proceedings 2nd International Congress on Health Informatics in Africa (HELINA'1996), Johannesburg, South Africa, April 1996.
(A03) Nzali J.P., Faiz S., “A visualization approach to information quality in geographic information systems ", Proceedings seconds Cassini research days, Marseille, France, November 1995, pp. 1-15.
(A02) Boursier P., Faiz S., Mainguenaud M., “Towards a unifying framework for spatial data modelling”, Les Annales Scientifiques de Géographie, Iasi, Romania, Vol. XL-XLI, 1994-1995, pp. 49-62.
(A01) Faiz S., “Quality modeling in geographic databases ", the GDR days of Acts Spatial Databases, Beaune, France, October 1993, pp. 67-86.
(A41) Hassini N., Mahmoudi K., Faiz S., “Towards Structuring Geographic Textual Data for Geographic Information System Enrichment”, 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Management, Information and Knowledge Systems (KMIKS’2017), Hammamet, Tunisia, April 2017.