Sami FAIZ Dr. Sami FAIZ WebSite's, Professor of Higher Education in Computer Science
Contributions to books with reading committee (10)
(CL10)Alouaoui H., Turki S.Y., Faiz S., “Knowledge Extraction from Geographical Databases for Land Use Data Production”, Handbook of Research on Geographic Information Systems Applications and Advancements, IGI-Global, USA, 2016.
(CL9)Bizid I., Nayef N., Faiz S., Boursier P., “Microblogs Information Retrieval for Disaster Management: Identification of Prominent Microblog Users in the Context of Disasters”, Handbook of Research on Geographic Information Systems Applications and Advancements, IGI-Global, USA, 2016.
(CL8) Faiz S., Krichen S., Integration and optimization strategies for GIS tools, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, IGI Global, USA, 2014, pp. 3153-3160.
(CL7) Turki S.Y., Faiz S.,"Production data on land use knowledge extracted from geographic databases," Geographic Information in Africa: Status and new approaches, University Publication Centre, Tunisia, 2013, pp. 159-198.
(CL6) Cherni I., S. Ouertani, Faiz S Servigne S., R. Laurini,. "Chorems: A new tool for territorial intelligence," Urban and Regional Management data, Taylor and Francis , CRC Press, London, England, 2013, pp. 67-76.
(C5) Mahmoudi Kh Faiz S "Automatic data enrichment in GIS through condensate textual information", Handbook of Research on.. Innovations in Database Technologies and Applications: Current and Future Trends, IGI Global, USA, 2009, pp. 279-287.
(CL4) Faiz S., Turki SY, "The contribution of knowledge discovery for the development of land databases in Africa," Land Management Information Systems in the Knowledge Economy, Publications Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2007, pp . 186-193
(CL3) Faiz S., "Knowledge discovery and geographical databases", Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, Editors: L. Rivero, J. Doorn and Ferraggine V., Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2005, pp. 308-311.
(CL2) Faiz S., Mahmoudi Kh, "Semantic enrichment of geographical Databases", Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, Publishers. L. Rivero, J. Doorn and Ferraggine V., Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2005, pp. 587-592.
(CL1) Faiz S., Abbasi K. Fellow P., "Applying data mining technology to generate quality information Within geographical databases" Data quality in geographic information: From error to uncertainty, Publishers: Jeansoulin R. and M. Goodchild, Code 662, Hermes Editions 1998 pp. 43-54.
(CL10)Alouaoui H., Turki S.Y., Faiz S., “Knowledge Extraction from Geographical Databases for Land Use Data Production”, Handbook of Research on Geographic Information Systems Applications and Advancements, IGI-Global, USA, 2016.