(10) Asma GHARBI, To the design and development of the evolution of prediction system operator cities spatio-temporal association rules, PhD in Co-Guardianship in Management Information Systems, ISG, University of Tunis, (Co-Framed Mr. Herman AKDAG, Professor in Computer Science at the University of Paris 8 in France), Supported on February 13, 2018
(09) Besma KHALFI, Modeling and construction of fuzzy geographic databases and maintenance of the consistency of models for SQL and NoSQL DBMS, Doctoral thesis in Co-supervision in Management Informatics, ISG, University of Tunis, (Co-Supervision with Herman AKDAG , Professor in Computer Science at the University Paris 8 - France), 3rd year of Thesis. Supported on 12 June 2017.
(08) Sana EZZEDDINE, Integration of user profiles in the development of spatial data warehouses, Doctoral Thesis in Management Informatics, ISG, University of Tunis, (Co-Supervision with Sami Yassine TURKI, Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering at the Higher Institute of Construction And Urban Planning of Tunis), Defense on February 22, 2017.
(07)Imen BIZID, Prediction of the primordial users of microblogs during crisis situations: Temporal modeling of user behaviors according to phases of events, Doctoral thesis in Co-supervision in Management Informatics, ISG, University of Tunis, supported on December 13, 2016 La Rochelle, Honorable Mention, in Co-Supervision with M. Patrice BOURSIER, Professor in Computer Science at the University of La Rochelle - France.
(06) Hana ALOUAOUI,Data Mining Approach for Extraction Spatiotemporal Relationships: Application to Natural Risks Prediction, PhD in Computer Science, ISG, Tunis University, supported September 28, 2015 in Tunis, Honorable Mention Très, Co-Framed with Sami Yassine Turki , Assistant Master in Civil Engineering Construction in Higher Institute and Urbanism of Tunis).
(05) Ibtissem CHERNI, Visual summaries basic geographical data: rising Search of geographic data to extract choremes, PhD in Co-Guardianship in Management Information Systems, ISG, Tunis University, supported September 11, 2015 in Tunis, Honorable Mention Très , Co-Framed with Robert LAURINI, Professor in Computer Science at INSA Lyon, France.
(04) Ahmed KHARRAT, Contribution to the search of spatiotemporal data: Clustering, patterns and generalization paths in a road network, PhD in Co-Guardianship in Information Technology and Communication, School of Communications of Tunis (Sup'Com) and University of Versailles Saint Quentin, sustained October 25, 2013 in Versailles, Honorable Mention Très, Co-Coaching with Karine ZEITOUNI, Professor at the University of Versailles Saint Quentin.
(03) Khaoula MAHMOUDI, knowledge extraction for semantic enrichment of geographic databases, PhD in Information and Communication Technology, School of Communications of Tunis (Sup'Com) at University of Carthage, defended on 25 June 2010 at Tunis, Honorable Mention Très, Co-Framed with Mr. Zied Bel Hadj, Professor Sup'Com.
(02) Sami Yassine TURKI, Contributions of spatial data mining and system dynamics for the development of urban transport models in developing countries - Application to the Greater Tunis, PhD in Civil Engineering, National Engineering School Tunis University of Tunis El Manar, backed October 26, 2009 in Tunis, Honorable Mention Très, Co-Framed with Mr. Rached Boussema, Professor at the ENIT.
(01) Hajer BAAZAOUI, An approach for modeling and searching of geographic data stores, PhD in Computer Science, National School of Computer Science, University of Manouba, defended on 22 October 2005, Mention Très Honorable. Participation in the Framework under the direction of Ms. Henda Ben GHEZALA, Professor in Computer Science at the ENSI.
DEA dissertations and masters research supported (54)
Since 1995, I have regularly provided coaching and co frames more memories as part of DEA or Master Search :
(55) Rawia ABED, Implementation of a driver and performance evaluation of LoRa wireless transceivers, ENIT (Tunis – Tunisie) et Technische Universitat Braunschweig (Braunschweig – Allemagne), born in October 2017, Mention B
(54) Meriam BEL FEKIH, Guidance of people in a smart city by proposing promotional offers, Memory of Master in Computer Science: Intelligent Pervasive Systems, ISSAT - Sousse, born in July 2017, Mention B.
(53) Taysir GRAIDI, Load Balancing In Hybrid SDN/OSPF Networks, Mémoire de Mastère en Informatique, ENIT (Tunis – Tunisie)And Technische Universitat Braunschweig (Braunschweig - Germany), born in December 2016, Mention B
(52)Selmen DRIDI,Implementation and evaluation of a particle filter for the InPhase system, ENIT (Tunis – Tunisie)And Technische Universitat Braunschweig (Braunschweig - Germany), born in December 2016, Mention B
(51) Khaoula Sakrani Pretreatment and storage Big GeoData: Indexing and organization, Master's thesis in Computer Science: IMD ISAMM - Manouba, born in June 2016, with honors.
(50) Ameny Boughalmi Development of an ontology for the enrichment of temporal and spatial databases - Application to Risk Management, Master in Computer Memory: Pervasive Intelligent Systems, ISSAT - Sousse, born in June 2016, TB Mention.
(49) Kaouthar MCHITA Simulation of Hajj based on the hybrid approach SIG-SMA, Master Thesis in Computer Science: Pervasive Intelligent Systems, ISSAT - Sousse, born in June 2016, Mention TB.
(48) Hana Romdhane , SIGDD: geographic information system for the management of indicators on sustainable development, Master Thesis in Computer Science: IMD, ISAMM - Manouba, born in June 2016.
(47) Symphorien Monsia Creation of a prototype evaluation of the functional model of queries on massive and dynamic data: application to disaster management, Master Thesis in Computer Science: Systems pervasive Smart, ISSAT - Sousse, born in March 2016, TB Mention.
(46) Oumayma NAOUI Predict future behavior of users interacting on Twitter about a given disaster, Master of Computer Memory: IDIAG, ESC / IHEC - Manouba, supported February 2016, TB Mention.
(45) Noura ABDAOUI Customize ubiquitous advertisements, Master Thesis in Computer Science: IMD, ISAMM - Manouba, born in February 2016, Grade B.
(44) Jeanne MAKOLLE Extraction of protruding patterns of spatial data mining, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in November 2015, Grade B p. >
(43) Rahma GHARBI Creation of an integration system for the automatic construction of chorématiques cards, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba , born in January 2015 with honors.
(42) Sarra FRAY , semantic enrichment method of geographic databases, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in October 2014 , with distinction.
(41) Anis OUERHANI The integration between GIS and AMC Identification of decision criteria for decision support, Master in Computer Memory management, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in October 2014 with honors.
(40) Sarra HASNI generation system visual summaries based on choremes, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, argued in June 2014 TB Mention.
(39) Mariem WARGHI Extraction system of geographical knowledge for the automatic construction of visual summaries based on choremes, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in June 2014, TB Mention.
(38) Abdelmajid ZORGUI GIS-M: Geographic Information System dedicated to Medical Case Management spread of epidemics, Master in Computer Memory management, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in June 2014, with honors.
(37) Kaouther KCHINI Using RAST for feeding of cellular automata, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, argued in June 2014 , with distinction.
(36) Donia Nciri , Modeling and Design inaccurate spatio-temporal data, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, Co-supervision with Professor Herman Akdag of Advanced Computer Science Laboratory of St. Denis (LIASD) of the University Paris 8 in France, born in May 2014, TB Mention.
(35) Ines Meriah Integration of fuzzy sets rules in spatial association, Master in Intelligent Memory Methods for Decision Support, ISG Tunis born in May 2014 with honors.
(34) Mohamed MEJRI Production of Origin-Destination matrix by extracting information from textual content websites, Master in Computer Memory Management, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in July 2013, TB Mention.
(33) Seifallah OUERTANI pattern extraction system for generating visual summaries of geographic databases, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in July 2013, TB Mention.
(32) Zied SAIDI Towards extraction approach are important reasons, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in July 2013, mention B.
(31) Manel ZEKRI Search of moving objects data: Application of stress trajectories by road, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in July 2013, TB Mention.
(30) Radhia Toujani , materialization of webviews: Application to geographic data, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in July 2013 TB Mention.
(29) Karima JEMAI , dynamic classification of user profiles based on their space requirements, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, supported July 2013, with honors.
(28) Ghofrane DRIRA A hybrid framework for solving the MDDCVRP, Master in Intelligent Memory Methods for Decision Support, ISG Tunis, co-supervision with Ms. Saoussen Krichen, Maàtre lecturer in Quantitative Methods in FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in May 2013, TB Mention.
(27) Abir BEN AMMAR , modeling approaches and optimization for the establishment of a tracking system using RFID, Master in Computer Memory Management, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, in Co-supervision with Professor Ahmed Lbath Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble (LIG) of the Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble in France, born in April 2013, TB Mention.
(26) Asma Gharbi Towards Predicting the cities of the future, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, in Co-supervision with Professor Herman Akdag of Advanced Computer Science Laboratory of St. Denis (LIASD) of the University Paris 8 in France, born in March 2013, TB Mention.
(25) Imen ZARAI , spatial classification for the extraction of equity from geographic database, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba , born in January 2013, TB Mention.
(24) Nesrine hassini Creating and filling a geographic database from textual documents, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba , born in January 2013, TB Mention.
(23) Asma CHARFADI Manage the privacy of mobility data, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, in Co-supervision with Professor Karine Zeitouni Parallelism Lab, Networks, Systems, Modeling (PRISM) at the University of Versailles in France, born in January 2013, with honors.
(22) Wahida ZAàIMIA A georeferenced digital library for external qualification geographic data: Fitness for use, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, supported in January 2013, with honors.
(21) Aymen Bousselmi A proposed model for the extraction of frequent sequential patterns from spatio-temporal data, Master in Computer Memory management, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in January 2013, TB Mention.
(20) Mariem ZOGHLAMI , Knowledge Management Approach: Selection and ranking of spa association rules relevant tio-temporal, Master in Computer Memory applied to management, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in January 2013, with honors.
(19) Aacha NOUHA SOULA , segmentation of a text from a geographical point of view, Memory Master in Computer Software Engineering, University of ISI Tunis El Manar, born in December 2012, TB Mention.
(18) Imen Bizid Integration of Heterogeneous Spatial Databases for Disaster Management, Master's thesis in Computer Science, ESC to University of Manouba / IHEC to University of Carthage, Co-supervision with Professor Patrice Fellow of the Laboratory of Computer Science and Industrial imaging (L3i) of the University of La Rochelle in France, born in November 2012, TB Mention.
(17) Fatma ZARMDINI , cartographic Enrichment monitoring systems, Master's thesis in Computer Applications Management, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in December 2011, with honors .
(16) Mehyar baccari Multi-Agent System for the determination of land use by space rules Association, Master in Computer Memory management, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in October 2011 with honors.
(15) Wided Arjoun Sequential Patterns for building ontologies from urban MCD Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, supported in September 2011, Mention TB.
(14) Kaouther BOUSLIMI Extraction of fuzzy spatial association rules, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in September 2011. Mention B.
(13) Takwa TLILI , Particle swarm optimization for solving the container loading / vehicle routing problem, Master's thesis in modeling, ISG Tunis, in Co-supervision Ms. Saoussen Krichen, Maàtre lecturer in Quantitative Methods in FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in June 2011, TB Mention.
(12) Amani Meskini , spatiotemporal Association Rules for projecting land cover, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in June 2011, with honors.
(11) Basma KHALFI , Intelligent Data Access Layer for OLAP based on the Functional Data Model, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ in Jendouba, Co -Supervision with Prof. Nicolas Spyartos Research Laboratory in Computer Science (LRI), University of Orsay, born in December 2010, TB Mention.
(10) Hajer Hammami , classification and projection rules of spatial associations by the meta-rules method, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, born in October 2010, TB Mention.
(09) Ibtissem CHERNI , visual summaries of geographic databases: spatial requàtes Transformation ChorML, Master's thesis in Computer Science, FSJEGJ - Jendouba, Co-supervision with Professor Robert Laurini the computer lab Images and information Systems (LIRIS) from the University of Lyon, born in October 2009, TB Mention.
(08) Walid SASSI Detection of spatial and temporal outliers, Master's thesis in Computer Science, ISG Tunis, born in July 2008, TB Mention.
(07) Welim ZOUARI One approach to incremental maintenance of multidimensional data, Master's thesis in Computer Science, ISG Tunis, born in July 2007, mention B.
(06) Radhia BEN HAMED , multi-agent approach for improved extraction performance of spatial Association rules, Master's thesis in Computer Science ISG Tunis, born in April 2006, TB Mention.
(05) Mohamed BENELAYARA Indexing spatial / temporal real-time geographic databases, Master's thesis in Industrial Computing and Automatic, INSAT, supported December 2004 TB Mention.
(04) Mohsen Labidi , spatial information Contribution for marketing, Master Thesis in Communication Systems, ENIT, born in July 2004, TB Mention .
(03) Mokhtar MARZOUKI Spatial Information: Application to the propagation modeling GSM radio, Master Thesis in Communication Systems, ENIT, in co-Framed with Professor Rashid Boussema, the Remote Sensing Laboratory and References to Space Information Systems (LTSIRS) of the University Tunis El Manar, born in April 2001, with honors.
(02) Karim Abbassi , Knowledge extraction methods to quality information generation in geographic databases, Master Thesis Theory and engineering Databases, University of Paris-Sud, France, Co-Framed with Professor Patrice Fellow of the Laboratory of Computer Science and Industrial imaging (L3i) of the University of La Rochelle in France, born in June 1996 TB Mention.
(01) Florent VOIGNIER , Information Storage quality of spatial data, Master Thesis Theory and Management of Databases, University of Paris-Sud, France, Co-Framed with Professor Patrice Fellow of the Laboratory of Computer Science and Industrial imaging (L3i) of the University of La Rochelle in France, born in June 1995 TB Mention.
Specialized Master's memoirs and professionals supported (23)
Since 2001, I supervised various works of specialized and professional master
supervision end projects from engineering studies
supervision end projects from engineering studies (68)