(RPA17) Toujani A, Faiz S , H. Achour, "Fire Risk Assessment of forests with the excavation of spatiotemporal data: Case of the Tunisian cork oak forest".., Congress I see International Geomatics - Digital mapping and spatial analysis, Tataouine, Tunisia, March 2015.
(RPA16) Landoulsi G., K. Mahmoudi, Faiz S. "Generate a text extracted from databases" (Post) 14th International Conference on the extraction and management knowledge (EGC'2014), Rennes, France, January 2014, pp. 529-532.
(RPA15) Hassini N., K. Mahmoudi, Faiz S. "From Words to geographic database" (Post) 14th International Conference on Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC '2014), Rennes, France, January 2014, pp. 533-536 .
(RPA14) Meskini A., Turki S.Y., Faiz S., “Spatio-temporal association rules to predict land use”, International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT’13), Sousse, Tunisia, June 2013.
(RPA13) Krichen S., Faiz S., Tlili T., “A SDSS for solving the loading and routing problem”, International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing (META’2012), Sousse, Tunisia, October 2012.
(RPA12) Krichen S., Faiz S., Tlili T., “A GIS-based particle swarm optimization approach for solving the loading-routing problem”, 10th International Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP’2012), Canada, June 2012.
(RPA11) Alouaoui H., Turki S.Y., Faiz S., “Querying and mining spatiotemporal association rules” (Poster), International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR’2011), Paris, France, October 2011, pp. 402-405.
(RPA10) Alouaoui H., Turki S.Y., Faiz S., "The contribution of spatial data mining technique in predicting the risks posed by climate change" (Post) 10th International Conference on Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC'2010), Hammamet, Tunisia, January 2010.
(RPA09) Cherni I., Lopez K., Laurini R., Faiz S., "The choremes for a synthetic visualization of geographical knowledge" (Post) 10th International Conference on Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC'2010), Hammamet, Tunisia, January 2010.
(RPA08) Kharrat A., Sandu Popa I., Zeitouni K., Faiz S., “'Characterizing the traffic density and its evolution through moving object trajectories” (Poster), International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR’2009), Madeira, Portugal, October 2009, pp. 319-322.
(RPA07) Faiz S., “Geomatics: A generator of employment”, Feature Article, African Geo Information Research Network (AGIRN), October 2007.
(RPA06) Faiz S., “E-Cadastre and ICT”, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, December 2006.
(RPA05) Baazaoui H., Ben Hamed R., Faiz S., Ben Ghézala H., "A multi-agent approach for improving the algorithm rules of spatial associations" (Poster), 5th International Conference on Mining and Knowledge Management (EGC'2005), Paris, France, January 2005.
(RPA04) Faiz S., “Data warehousing and data quality”, GIM International – The Worldwide Magazine for Geomatics, Vol. 14/N° 12, December 2000.
(RPA03) Faiz S., Konecny G., Akuetteh B., Friedeander H., Medhin H.F., Whitney L., “Geographical data issues in Africa”, Ad-Hoc Expert Group Meeting on “Study on the future orientation of Geoinformation activities in Africa”, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, November 2000.
(RPA02) Faiz S., Nzali J.P., "A widespread approach to information quality in GIS" LRI Internal Report No. 1003, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, October 1995.
(RPA01) Nzali J.P., Faiz S., "Operation and error representation in geographic databases," Internal Report No. 993 LRI, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, in September 1995.
(RPA18) Khalfi B. to C. Rünz, Faiz S. , Akdag H., "Improvement of the F-Perceptory approach through management of fuzzy complex geographic objects" (Poster), 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ'2015), La Grande Motte, France, in September 2015.