Sami FAIZ Dr. Sami FAIZ WebSite's, Professor of Higher Education in Computer Science
Multimedia content (2)
(CM02) Faiz S., “Geomatics" 2005.
This content popularizes around the concepts of geographic information and its modeling and gives an introduction to geographic information systems and implementation techniques of geomatics applications
(CM01) Faiz S., “The intelligence" 2004.
This content presents the various concepts of data warehousing, data mining and OLAP as well as some success stories in this field. This CD-ROM can, among others, as a guide to exploring the various implementation stages of a data warehouse.
(CM02) Faiz S., “Geomatics" 2005. This content popularizes around the concepts of geographic information and its modeling and gives an introduction to geographic information systems and implementation techniques of geomatics applications