Information system and decision support
My experience in education began in France as early as 1991 d first at Sceaux IUT then to University of Paris-Sud. J have assured some of these teachings as a lecturer and then as ATER during two years (1992-1994). This experience continued in Tunisia since 1996, mainly in the INSAT Tunis as a permanent teacher. I also provided other lessons as temporary, various other Tunisian institutions (ENSI, IHEC, ENIT, and Sup'Com ESIA). P>
I have had the opportunity to perform various short courses (blocked formations) in various foreign countries. In April 2007, I was invited to provide training in Geomatics in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Republic of China. P>
The following section briefly lists the courses provided by a process of institution. Relevant material will in general computing (computer systems, introduction to algorithms and programming), specialized modules (databases, business intelligence, geographic information systems and advanced geomatics). Short courses have involved both students and teachers frames. P>
Information system and decision support
Geographical databases
Geographic Databases p>
Advanced Geomatics p>
Introduction to Business Intelligence p>
Data warehousing and Exploration p>
Data Warehouses Maintenance p>
Geomarketing p>
Geographic Databases
Advanced Databases
Multimedia Databases
Geographic Information Systems
Business Intelligence
Data files and databases
Implementation of a database with SQL Server
Geographic Databases p>
GeoWeb p>
Advanced Databases p>
Databases p>
Computers p>
Geographic Information Systems
Geographic Information Systems
Data Mining Spatial
Quality of geographic data
Information Highway
Computer TC-I
Computer TC-II
I have had the opportunity to perform various short courses (formations blocked) out university studies, mainly in various foreign countries. These short courses were for students, teachers and specialized staff. In April 2007, I was invited to provide training in Geomatics in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Public Land Administration Problems
Excel, Internet, intranet and Networks
Geographic Databases
Awareness, Initiation and Internet Practice
The Sphinx software
The Geographic Information Systems
Geographic Databases
Since 1991, I hosted a number of seminars in the field of Geomatics
at the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Mahdia, Days Computer Technologies Topic: GIS, Mahdia, Tunisia
University of Paris 8, France.
University of spring planners, Hammamet, Tunisia.
at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
at the UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
SONEDE, Sousse, Tunisia.
At Regional Commissary for Agricultural Development (CRDA) in Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia.
At the International Center for Environmental Technologies of Tunis (CITET) Tunis, Tunisia.
at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion (ISG) in Tunis, Tunisia.
at the Regional Institute of Computer Science and Telecommunications (IRSIT) Tunis, Tunisia.
The Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MEAT) Tunis, Tunisia.
Faculty of Sciences of Yaoundé, Cameroon.
In Computing Research Laboratory (LRI) Orsay, France.
At CIRAD-Forêt Nogent sur Marne, France.
In Remote Sensing Laboratory Common CEMAGREF-ENGREF, Montpellier, France.
to the National Geographic Institute (IGN) in Saint-Mande, France.
in Rousse Technology University, Bulgaria.
University 'Al.I.Cuza' in Iasi, Romania.
at the National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN) at CEA-Saclay, France.